Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Night Before I Died

A silent color home movie of President John F. Kennedy's appearance in Houston on the eve of his 1963 assassination surfaced. See it below.

It made me think about what would happen if someone shot video of me the night before I died. What images would be captured on film?

What would I be doing with my time? What words would I be using? Would I be worried about tomorrow? Would I be living in the moment? Would I be encouraging others or tearing them down? Would I be telling others that I loved them? Would I ignore the hurting, the lonely and the broken? Would I be feeding my face instead of feeding the hungry? Would I be filling the hole or digging a deeper one? Would I be making a new life or hanging on to the regrets of yesterday? Would I be making a difference or making the situation worse? Would I be apologizing to the people I have hurt or acting like I've done nothing wrong?

Would I be taking or would I be giving?

Yesterday my friend posted this on my facebook wall:

"GLYD: Give Like You're Dying." -- Aaron Reddin

What would you be doing if someone shot video of you the night before you died?


  1. Loving. Any and everyone that I could get around. I would love until it hurts.

  2. I guess the big question would be, do I know it's my last night? If I knew, it would be different, which in itself is a sad realization. I want to live every night and every moment to the fullest, love generously, and keep short accounts. Good stuff, Mike. Thank you.

  3. Very thought and heart provoking...I agree with the comments above! Great Blog!!
