Saturday, June 18, 2011

Without Them on Father's Day

My father died when I was 19. My son moved to WA state last November. My daughter just moved to Mississippi. I will be spending Father's Day weekend without them.

I miss my Dad this weekend. For many years after his death I was angry with my Father. My anger has turned into love. Love for a man who did his best even though he was far from perfect.

I miss my daughter Kiersten this weekend. I'm so proud of the woman she has become. She is a beautiful woman and a fantastic mom. For too long, I disconnected myself from her life. I'm thankful for the second chance I have been given to have a relationship with her.

I miss my son Devon this weekend. I didn't want to get involved in Devon's life before we adopted him. I fought it like the plague. Today I realize that bringing Devon into my life, adopting him and being his father is something I will never regret.

It's Father's Day Weekend. Do you know someone who is separated from their father by miles, circumstances, tragedy, divorce or death? Do you know a father who will be spending this weekend without their children? Please reach out to them. Show them that you care. Let them know that they are loved. Spend time with them. Invite them to your Father's Day celebration. Please don't ignore them. They need you this weekend.

Dad will you be with your kids this weekend? Kids will you be with your dad? Treasure those moments. Those moments will become treasures forever stored away in your mind and your heart.

1 comment:

  1. My dad died when I was 17 so I know that pain. I don't know what it feels like to be separated from my kids and I am thankful for that. Blessings to you, Mike. May God's life, presence, and strength surround you in greater and more intimate ways.

    Thanks man. I appreciate your honesty and challenge to us.
