Twas the night before Christmas and all thru the house
Not a creature was stirring not even a mouse
The shopping was done the bills had been paid
The guest list for tomorrow’s big feast had been made
The children were nestled all snug in their beds
While visions of ipods danced in their heads
But just miles away in my city I’m told
Is a man in an alley, desperate and cold
A part of me thinks he deserves what he got
He begs for the money for liquor and pot
But then I remember a time in my life
Before I had title of mother and wife
When days of good times and “casual use”
Turned into the nightmare of substance abuse
My attitude changed, I relent with a sigh
There but for the grace of God am I
I say a quick prayer and ask for forgiveness
For thinking these people are none of my business
I’ve labeled them homeless cause that fits my druthers
But they’re daughters and sons and sisters and brothers
Each has a story how they ended up there
And maybe they’d tell if I lent them my ear
All of these thoughts began flooding my head
As I pulled myself out of my comfortable bed
With coffee and blankets and family in tow
I drove through the streets till we got to Skid Row
We’re only one family we can’t help them all
Compared to their problems our efforts seem small
But I was determined at the very least
To have one extra guest at our Christmas day feast

Question: Would you or I be willing to change our plans to serve and love the people that Mother Teresa described as "Jesus in disguise"?
"The dying, the cripple, the mental, the unwanted, the unloved, they are Jesus in disguise." -- Mother Teresa

Kathy, WONDERFUL. I'm always happy to see people thinking of the less fortunate this time of year. It's even better to get out and do something to make their lives better.
ReplyDeleteHave a great Christmas, friend!
Love it Kat!
ReplyDeleteWow. This is beautiful, Kathy. And yes, challenging. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful post, Kathy! Thank you for sharing your heart!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the opportunity to post here, Mike. This didn't really happen, but is based on some expereinces our little church plant had with some men a couple of Christmases ago. One of the things I remember hearing was that they didn't want to be labeled as "THE Homeless". That they are individuals with their own stories. A blogger friend of mine, Koffijah once said, "How you see a person is half of how you love them." That really stuck with me. If you see a victim rather than a person, it changes how you love them. They become less real. Less important than you. That's not how Jesus loves. That's how I want to love, like Him.
ReplyDeleteSome of the homeless I've spent time with are a lot of fun, very interesting, and have great stories. Some are just down on their luck. A lost job here, a bad decision or two, and a tough path got chosen. Sometimes chosen for them.
ReplyDeleteSome of the homeless I've spent time with are wacked out of their heads. They are mean, spiteful, and think everyone owes them everything.
Therefore, ya know, the homeless I've spent time with are EXACTLY like all the people I've known in the church. Some are nice. Some are wacked. Some got a raw deal, and some deserve their raw deal.
Just like me.
And I have a lot of very well off friends, too. And they tend to fit the same descriptions.
And all in all, I'd say a higher percentage of my rich friends feel like everyone owes them something than do my homeless friends.
Kely - Exactly.
ReplyDeleteGreat post Kat.
ReplyDeleteAnd to be honest, I kinda missed the $10 challenge this year or hearing about what others did to help those in need.
Excellent. Thanks Kat (and Mike).
ReplyDeleteLooks like my comment didn't get through the other day here but I basically said Great, great post. So true about the least among us. They can give more to us when we give to them. Terrific reminder for everyone.
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful post and the photo was awesome, of the person representing Jesus!