Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Churches Truly Helping Hurting People

I have always been impressed with the work of Mark Horvath. He wrote a great article for the Huffington Post.

"..every single church, or temple, or bridge club, or bowling team can work together to support a rotating shelter. The Macomb County Rotating Emergency Shelter Team is a group of 90 churches that pool resources to help 60 homeless people get back on their feet. Some churches provide housing, some vans for transportation, some cool meals, and everyone wins. Like I said I visited twice. Both times the old church ladies in the back were having a blast. The smiles were endless. Although it was just a meal prepared and served, it was combined with a strategy to get people into housing and support services.

I urge you, no I beg you. If you're a faith based leader please look at what real effect you have on the community around you. If your tech or worship budget is higher then what you are putting back into the community you are off balance. And to be honest, the only churches that will see growth in the years to come are the ones that are truly helping the hurting people around them -- and not just their own members. Please start working with other organizations instead of being the Lone Ranger. And if the need is there, and I would bet that it is, please find a rotating shelter around you or start one.

Here is an interview with executive director, Rhonda Powell. We talk about the rotating shelter model and the current state of the economy. This is a very powerful interview with lots of information. Please watch and share."

See the complete article by clicking here.

For more information about Macomb County Rotating Emergency Shelter Team click here.

Follow Mark on Twitter by clicking here or at his blog by clicking here.

1 comment:

  1. This is great, Mike. We have a coalition of churches in our city, but this is another great model. We have a women's shelter and our church has helped some, but they are always full and there is need for me. Great information. Thank you.
